Let Us Help with Your Pipeline Solutions Worldwide
Emergency Pipeline Number: (877) 808-8555
Compliance Hotline:
USA: 800-916-7037
Para Español: 855-765-7249
AU: +61-180-081-0721
China: +86-400-120-0690
Vietnam: +84-1203-2161
You will be prompted to enter the company identifier, please enter: 943
FlexSteel Headquarters: 832-531-8555
920 Memorial City Way, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77024
Baytown Manufacturing Plant: 281-918-3400
1221 Transport Dr
Baytown, TX 77523
Please complete the form to request a quote and have a team member contact you regarding our products. Thank you for your interest in FlexSteel.
Serving You from These Locations
You can find FlexSteel service centers and distributors all over the nation and beyond…
Pleasanton Service Center:
214 Eurostar Dr.
Pleasanton, TX 78064
T: (832) 531-8555
Hobbs Transloading/Service Center:
5801 N. Lovington Hwy
Hobbs, NM 88240
T: (832) 531-8555
Cheyenne Service Center:
5009 S. Greeley Hwy
Cheyenne, WY 82007
T: (832) 531-8555
Williston Transloading/Service Center:
1202 E. Broadway St.
Williston, ND 58801
T: (832) 531-8555
Pennsylvania Transloading/Service Center:
226 Blazer Way
Julian, PA 16844-9503
T: (832) 531-8555
Vernal, Utah Service Center:
1228 East Amelia Earhart Dr.
Vernal, UT 84078
T: (832) 531-8555
FlexSteel Liquids Transloading:
49409 Range Rd 273
Calmar, AB TOC 0V0, Canada
T: (832) 531-8555
FlexSteel Oculus Transloading:
#41 61027 Hwy 672 Emerson Trail
Sexsmith, AB TOH, OCO, Canada
T: (832) 531-8555
Latin America
Contact: Enrique Varona
T: +1 832-366-4264 (Mexico) enrique.varona@flexsteelpipe.com
North Africa, Middle East, & Caspian Sea Region
Contact: Felipe Dias
T: +1 832-929-8862 (Bahrain)
Australia & Southeast Asia
Contact: Christian Wiebe
T: +61 425-137-066 (Australia)
Rest of the World
FlexSteel has Channel Partners to support operations worldwide.
Contact: Bruno Giacomel
T: +1 832-492-2798 (Location = US)